Friday, May 14, 2010

The "I want" Syndrome

Yup, that would be me. I've been trying to follow my inner voice for the past little bit and boy, do I ever go on with the I want this and I want that. Never mind the when I's .... when I have extra money, when I have more time, when I leave my job can go on and on and on. Don't get me started on "I can't afford that ...."!

I do believe that the law of attraction consists of having thoughts of abundance, so if what I want is abundance be it time, money, health etc. then I had better figure out a way to change that little nagging voice in my head. So what should I do? I have been writing in my gratitude journal every night. So far it has been pretty easy coming up with things that I'm grateful for. Need to get a positive spin inside my head.

Okay, let's deal with the I wants. Anytime I think of something that I want I'm going to find a picture of it and put it in my daytimer - my portable vision board and every day I will look at it and tell myself that I already have them ... I do they are right there - see?

Now for the "when I's". What to do? I know, every time my brain goes in that direction I will try to stop it by thinking of all the things that I already have, ie when I have more time I'll try oil painting => instead of oil painting I'm reading a good book before bed. If I really wanted to paint, I'd find the time. Just had Master Yoda in my head. What's the quote try or not try there is no can't....something like that. I'm scaring myself.

Let's see what happens. Am I excited? Yup!

1 comment:

  1. Hey there. I believe the quote is 'Do or do not. There is no try.' I really like it as it gets at the notions of action and commitment. Saying 'I'll try' is paramount to saying 'But I won't really' or 'But it won't work'. It also gives you the option of saying 'No' and not feeling bad or guilty about it, which is one of my issues.
