Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Is it September Already?

Wow!  Have I got a serious case of procrastination.   Even easy things like cleaning off my desk are becoming huge inner battles and I'm losing.  I have just finished a week off and instead of returning to work refreshed with a sense of accomplishment, all I have is a feeling of lost time.  That is the main issue I have with inertia - lost time - which can lead to regret.  Oh, don't get me started with "regret" .... nasty little habit that.  So I can talk and talk and talk about this and write and write and write about it too but how to turn the tide.  I hear and understand everyone who says 'take one small step towards what you want' but it's driving me nuts trying to get that small step in.  Every time that I try, it seems to increase the inertia.

Well, it's September and I'm writing this so hey, that's one small step done.   Will let you know how it goes.