Monday, April 18, 2011

6 Months Left

Where has a year gone? Yes, it's been twelve months since I started all this and boy have there been changes in my life. I've also lost focus and the universe is sending me reminders not to do so. Time for updates....

Financially I have had money come into my life that was completely unexpected and it has allowed me to leave a job the was becoming boring and very detrimental to my emotional and physical well being. Since January money has been leaving me faster than it has been coming in and I find myself in the position of having to look for more work. I truly believe that there is something that I need to do and I'm being slowly guided to it. It's just so hard sometimes to just have faith and let the universe send me to where I need to go..... this means that I have to figure out the difference between what my gut tells me and my brain(which I think is screamingly loud). Well I still have 6 months in which to become worth a million dollars .... the hardest part is believing that it will happen.

Health - I've definitely started to lose weight now. I'm eating better and exercising on a regular basis. I'm taking supplements that do make me feel better or I notice a difference when I don't take them. ( Fish oil, vitamin D drops, and a multivitamin) The only thing that the doctor recommended to add was calcium. My colitis has flared up and is making it very hard to maintain a positive mind frame. I am back on my meds and seeing a specialist so hopefully it can be pushed back into remission quickly. I sometimes feel that there is so much more that I could be doing but that only makes me feels defeated and I try my best to not let my brain take me down that road too often.

Spiritually - What do I believe? I am part of something bigger .... everything and everyone is interconnected .... unconditional love is the strongest force available. Every day i try to do the following: quiet the mind, be guided by the heart, put love first, have faith in the reason that you are here at this time even if you can't fathom what it is, be grateful for all that you have and do your best to maintain a positive attitude no matter what gets thrown at you. I am hoping to be able to add 'living in the moment' soon but it's one of the hardest things that I have ever tried to do for myself but it will be the main focus of the next 6 months.

In peace, with love ....

Sunday, April 3, 2011

Vision Boards

I had mentioned in an earlier posting that I was going to work on a vision board. I have done many variations over the years. I've had a hard time setting this one up. Oh, you could go to or my favourite - - and sign up and create nifty vision boards. I have a marvelous one at I've taken what I did there and created a small one for my daytimer....all to what seems like little effect ... which is why I think that I am having a hard time setting up a new one in my office.
I did something like a vision board over a decade ago and found it a few years ago. was amazing what had actually come to be. What I had done was to take a cheap picture album and as I went though magazines, catalogs, newspapers, etc., I would cut out the pictures and articles that really appealed to me and put them in the album. I must have worked on it for a month, maybe a little longer, I can't quite remember. My life got interesting right around then and the album got filed away. That worked! Years later when I found it again, lo and behold, a lot of the items I had acquired versions of what I had picked. I didn't have the motorcycle though ... it still is lovely to look at and who knows what will happen in the future.
It's so easy to focus on things - a white volvo s60 with a sun roof would be fabulous - but I know that to create the 'things' you need to know what you really 'want' (not necessarily things). I guess that I need to go back and clear up my wants - the deep down ones - make my vision board accordingly, tuck it away and see what happens.
I think that what I am trying to say is to work on finding what it is that you truly want, write it down or use pictures, articles, whatever way you can express you wants and desires .... then let them go (hide/put them away assuming that they will come to be). Hunh! Let me know what happens.