Thursday, June 3, 2010

Insanity .....

"doing the same thing over and over again and expecting something different" - Albert Einstein.(my hair idol)

I have been insane......thanks for the reality check Albert.


  1. Ahh Albert - so wise! When it comes to my mother, I am truly insane then. Keep expecting that if treated with kindness and generosity, that I will get the same back. Yeah...nooooo. The woman is profoundly negative and just spins in circles, ready to blame all for her problems. And problems she has, but then again, don't we all?
    She has actually told me that she trusts no one, not even her children. Sad.
    The latest - she wants a birthday party, but doesn't want the one person local who could arrange it to spend the money or time. Hunh? This is the same woman who has never been pleased or even content with anything we've (my sister and I) have planned for her in the past. It is never what she wanted (not that she TOLD us no matter how many times we asked).
    Oh and she doesn't know how to relate to me because I don't need her advice or assistance and that I'm pushy because I have a backbone and she doesn't (pushy because I presented her with options to being depressed and doing nothing, but rather trying to think about what she wants to do now that she isn't working and really given her health, can't). This has been going on like this for a year. A year! And she thinks MAYBE she MIGHT need to see a therapist in addition to drugs that are not working. AAAAHHHH!
    Sorry for the vent but - AAAAHHHHH!!

    So I'm gonna stop doing the same thing (trying to help/fix/cajole etc) and concentrate on the positive things and people in my life. And pray that my mother eventually decides to do the same.

  2. Thanks for posting this Linda. It was very cathartic to write. We all (sister, cousins, aunts) thought that when Gramma T passed last year (mom's mom) that things would get better. Nah. It's as if there was a negativity void and zwhoosh!! in she (Bev) went!! Sigh.
