Sunday, April 25, 2010

Spiritual Well Being - or should I call it happiness?

This I think will be the hardest part of my challenge. I've never really dealt with my inner beliefs and how they affect my day to day life but I'm slowly coming around to the understanding of how important it just may be. I have so many questions that I need to address:
  1. Do I go down this path by myself or do I find a mentor/community to help me?
  2. What is it that I truly believe?
  3. Will working on this really help me?
  4. What path should I follow - organized religion or some new age belief system?
  5. How do you articulate all that's inside?
  6. I f I believe in something greater than myself that I am a part of than why don't I take better care of myself? Does it not follow that if I am part of something greater than how I treat myself is also how I treat the something greater?

Ooooo! That #6 hit something, amazing what comes out when you write without preplanning. Put your seatbelts on people, this just may be a bumpy ride.

1 comment:

  1. Yeah you are onto something with #6. I struggle with this too - I think I do believe in a greater power that you know - does things like keep the non-aerodynamic bumble bees in the air :D
    Formal religion? Too narrow and exclusionary (our way or hell - pick) and too many shysters.
    I know I don't always take care of myself, but I believe in something called the Ethic of Care as the highest attainment of human development. When I care for others (people, animals, the planet) I nurture others, and myself. The good feeling inside tells me so. And when I need them, there have been others there to care for me. But you have to stay open to others and not judge - rather appreciate even the smallest thing - a hug, a flower, a stranger's smile. I think when that good feeling inside grows, I feel less hopeless and more caring of my self.
    OK - off soapbox :D
