Saturday, July 31, 2010

Time for change

I have been in a career rut for years. The work day goes by fast enough since I'm always busy but there has been something missing and I now need to change and find that missing "something". What to do next....I really don't know what I want. I've tried meditating, researching, praying for inspiration, you name it and nothing really jumped out at me.

So I went on Kijiji to see if anything struck my fancy. Surprisingly something did -housekeeping - the old fashioned kind of housekeeping. It satisfies most of my needs: to be of service, to work in a healthy environment, to be physically active, to have control over how I do my work, and to have more free time for personal pursuits. I realized that what I miss most is eating breakfast at home, being able to schedule exercise before work, relaxing in the evening without feeling guilty. Right now I'm spending 15 hours a week commuting - working close to home will free up 10 hours minimum depending on where my clients are located. I'm already in discussion with a potential client. Very exciting.....

A major shake up in my career zone is probably the best thing that I could do for myself. I will have lots to learn, set up, figure out, and do ... life isn't so boring now .... phew.

1 comment:

  1. This is a brilliant idea - you always wanted to have your own business! I know that the housecleaner I have is great and she is her own business. She does 3-4 houses a day, 5 days a week. If she charges all the same she does me, then she is making $210-$280 a day. And she could charge more easily. I don't know what start up costs are but much of this kind of thing is done word-of-mouth for advertizing...its startup costs on materials but I bet you can write off vehicle expenses.
    I'd research it carefully, maybe talk to an accountant, and give it a shot.
    I know I was getting bored with the teaching/research cycle, so it was great to be asked to do admin for a year (starts next year) and I'm really looking forward to the challenge and the 'shake-up'
    Change is as good as a rest, or so I've been told :)
