Thursday, July 1, 2010

10 Years and counting

Ten years ago today my life went from having dinner with fat cat Harry trying to paw the fish off my plate to having all the dining rooms chairs filled with a partner and two young teen boys and skittish Pearl giving Harry a hard time. Wow! It doesn't seem that long ago but then the two teens are now grown men living under different roofs then us. Huh! Both Harry and Pearl are gone now and have been replaced by Monkees and Squeeky with their doggy friends Shaggy Dude and Juanita. ( I still miss Pete the minpin - the little PITA (pain in the ass) dog- he was always good for a laugh and a snuggle)

Yes Lynne and I have had our fair share of ups and downs, some of them quite dramatic at times but I wouldn't change one minute of it. If anything the past couple of years have been too quiet.... moving to Cambridge was an adventure but a really tame one. We are due to bust out with some crazy scheme and get back into the adventure of life together. Not another dog .... no .... though there is a cute one at the pound .... I would call her Phoebe ... no! no! no!

Lately our focus has been on medical issues - some of them frightening but we are both on our way to getting healthier - day by day - small changes - restarts - eyes getting brighter - hopefully trouble (the good kind) soon to follow.

I look forward to the next 10 years... how can I not when all Lynne has to do is walk into the room I'm in and my soul sings! (Telephone calls work too). There is nothing better than that. Can't wait to see what we get up to next.

Hey my honeythebunny, Happy Anniversary!

1 comment:

  1. Happy Anniversary Linda and Lynne!! When you soul sings you are doing something so right!
