What I know...

I've read a lot of self help, self improvment books, visited web sites and listened to books on tape, inspirational CD's, you name it.   Information has entered my head but it doesn't seem to transfer into my actions.  

What do I know going into this challenge....
  • that I already have the tools to succeed
  • that I need to DO something not just think, talk, write, and/or dream about it
  • that my personal fears are so strong that I can't see them for what they are and must just push through anyway
  • that I am one of the very lucky people on this planet.... I lead a charmed life compared to most and I must never, ever forget that
  • that for all of you who read this and send me love, support , kind thoughts etc through whatever means of prayer that you practise.... I thank you
  • that for all who read this, know that  I write this with love for all and if it helps or makes you think, whether you agree or disagree with me than my purpose for writing this has been fulfilled.
The Challenge begins,

In peace, with Love   Linda