Sunday, August 15, 2010

14 Months

Ah summer's nearing completion and my personal new year is coming's a very reflective time of year for me. I've always found the fall as the start of the year for me - school influence possibly - but I do think that my birth date has more significance to my life goals than the actual calendar year. January 1st always seems to be a let down for me ... don't know why, I just never 'got it'. Anyways...

The last four weeks have been quiet. Weight change insignifican:( sporadic exercising:( keeping to my savings program:) eating habits all over the place and boy did I pay for that - ulcerative part of colitis showed up for a couple of days and rosacea has it's marks all over my face. This time I'm fairly sure that I've learned my lesson - eat food that makes me feel better physically not emotionally - one day at a time with this is my best chance for success. Spiritually there have been internal movings and shakings - as things settle and come into clear focus I'll hopefully have the words to describe what is going on. I am trying a 21 day meditation course over the internet - it's free and I'm curious to give it a try.

I am determined to follow up with a career change ... I've come to realize that I do have an inner voice that I should listen to ... not so easy to do when you've ignored it most your life. The days that I listen and work towards this change are good but I still have as many days filled with doubt and negative thoughts. The challenge for the next four weeks will be to do something each day that moves me forward into my new work life - the rest will follow.

1 comment:

  1. To quote a very wise little fish: "Keep on swimmin', keep on swimmin' " :)

    Let me know how the meditation course works for you. I'm intrigued now after both reading and watching the movie of Eat Pray Love. Seems to me that any practice that can create some mental and emotional balance has got to be worth exploring.

    The weather has turned cool here (20C or cooler rather than 30+) which has got me thinking fall and course prep. A bit worried exercise may lose priority in the hurly-burly of term and deadlines for projects. Have to find a way. But not now. Now - Sunday nap!
