Sunday, July 11, 2010

Enough - time to move

This week's challenge: exercise first thing in the morning everyday. I can do this - I must do this - If I get up at 4:30 I can have a glass of lemon water as the dogs do the morning pee pee thing, do my exercises which take no more than 15 minutes then go for a walk around the big block which takes 20 minutes. I could then have a quick shower, pack my lunch and be on the road before 6am. It's very doable. I'm writing this sweating up a storm because I just came back from doing the above. It's just not 5am. :)

I'm angry, frustrated, lots of negative energy. Some from the stolen car issue, most from my lack of pushing through blocks. I've done it before so I know that it's not as hard as my ego tells me it is. I am self aware enough to know that it all stems from a fear of success but now it's time to find out what will happen as I start to do the things that will make me successful. Fear/ no fear - it's time. Back to the negative energy.... exercise and good eating habits will be what helps me turn this energy into something positive. I've had enough of procrastination ...

1 comment:

  1. Wait...stolen car! Well you should be pissed about that.
    I'm impressed with the 4:30am I can't crack an eye open at that time of day. Never could. But you are right about exercise first thing in the day. You are inspiring me - I did get a new bike for my birthday and have barely ridden it since getting back from my month away. No excuses. I'm going now...
