Sunday, June 27, 2010

I've been BAD

Yes, that's right bad .... really bad. I've had ice cream, beef bbq sandwiches, coffee with cream and sugar, etc. Why do we talk to ourselves like we are 4 years old looking at a pack of matches ... don't touch that it's baaad!. It's not a nice way of treating yourself is it? I've been listening to a book on tape by Deepak Chopra - The Book of Secrets - it's very good. I'll have to get a hard copy to go over it again since it has lots of subtle ideas that once in my head they won't go away. The book speaks to me on a spiritual level with practical applications. I'm only half way through but already I'm starting to see things differently. Like why am I "bad"? I'm not, I just am not making great food choices for my health. I was very discouraged early last week and I let it stay with me. I had a big bill for car repairs and let everything I've been working on fly out the window. Being bad ... I guess deep down I wish it was as simple as that. Let me be a 4 year old because others had the responsibility of taking care of me and my surroundings. I don't need to grow up, I need to take action. ( I say that a lot these days) Non action, procrastination, denial are all signs of accepting the status quo. That's not what I want. My mantra this week ... small steps make big changes. Forget the bad, my choices were just that, choices. Time to let it go and make new choices. (: the ice cream was very good - too good to really be 'bad' :) Growth comes from the challenging days not the easy ones...I've been growing.

1 comment:

  1. It's easy to get caught up in thinking in dichotomies isn't it? If the choice wasn't really good than well ... it has to be bad right? Bet you enjoyed the BBQ and the ice cream though! I know as a scholarly-type it is an occupational hazard to see all the shades of gray rather than black and white but...

    Is it really 'bad' if you enjoyed it and the people you were with and the time spent? Sure, sure it's back to uber healthy next day...maybe it is about balance (or at least the search for it?)?

    Maybe I've just spent too much time in Italy... :)
