Saturday, October 16, 2010

12 Months To Go

Wow, looking back at the past six months makes me giddy over what will be happening in the coming year. I've learned so much about myself and how I can sabotage myself in the blink of an eye. There is still a lot for me to work on but most important is to focus on making my life the fun adventure that it should be instead of sitting and waiting for what ends up to be "nothing" - literally. Nothing will happen if I don't make some kind of effort to improve myself.

Money is flowing in and I'm able to finish things from the past that have been holding me back ... finally have a savings account that is slowly growing. How nice is that?

My job change is so exciting. For two days of the work week I'm totally content. The other three days are just letting my know how toxic my work environment has been - physically, mentally and emotionally - can't wait to leave.

Health matters have been slowly but surely changing for the better. I will be making my health a priority in the coming months. Spiritually, I haven't been doing what I would like to but I do know that it will all come together - one small step at a time.

This, my birth month, will be for organizing and finishing what needs to be done before my life adventure goes into higher gear. Am I excited? - you betcha!

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