Thursday, September 16, 2010

13 Months work on positive thinking\behaving seems to be working in amazing ways. There is money in the bank, past financial issues are finally getting put behind me, a new career is just around the corner and wow ... who woulda thunk the past 30 days would ever have happened. What I've learned is that you need to throw out to the universe what you want\need and not think about how it's going to come about. I finally let go the 'how' and things just started rolling at me ... freaking me out at times but I can get used to it :)

Health and weight issues have been placed on a back burner but no more. I've issued a friendly challenge to a good friend to lose 25 pounds by Christmas and she has accepted it. She's also doing much better than I at accomplishing the goal but I can easily catch up. I was at the naturopath yesterday and got my 'meds' (vitamins and herbs to build up my immune system). The meds also help with appetite .... my cravings subside and I do less grazing during the day. With cooler days finally here it should be easier to get out walking.

Spiritually things have gotten really quiet. I never did do those 21 days of meditation but the lessons are now on my computer and hopefully I'll give them a go soon because I do feel that there is something that I need to learn in those lessons before I can move on in my spiritual quest.

Next month is birthday month and I will be focusing on what I hope to accomplish in the coming year .... can't wait to see what's in store for me in the months to come.

1 comment:

  1. You go girl! I really believe that 'life is what happens to you when you're busy making other plans' and also that whatever you do, do it with positive energy and good intent and the universe will reward you. Maybe not right away, but anyway, the ride is so much more fun than if you are all negative and worried...

    Should I tell you I hit the 20lb goal? Just officially as of today in fact. Since July - though these last 5 lbs took a lot longer than the first 15. But now that I'm exercising every day and eating healthy and managing portions...and staying out of the chip bag...and seeing the results it is very motivating. That is a biggy for me...and if I do snack, a certain amount and then that's it. I was in a bad habit of eating big lunches (drat that cafe at work) and yummy as they were, I just don't need that much food. That is a big change for me -- to stop when I'm full, and not keep going just because something is yummy or merely in front of me!

    Birthdays are great times for looking at the past year and celebrating accomplishments, as well as setting goals for the next one.

    Wishing you peace and strength...HUGS

    p.s. What herbs do you take? I'm taking black cohosh for pre-menapausal symptoms, and a good multivitamin. What does the naturopathic treatment do for you?
