Friday, September 10, 2010

1st and Last Cold of the Season

Yup...I've got a cold....thanks to Tony at the office. I wash my hands, rest, eat well - oops well maybe not. I'm so easily distracted from taking good care of myself. That does seem to be my biggest hurdle and I am hoping that one day soon I will figure out how or why I keep doing that.
It's been an exciting few weeks....the company I work for underwent a pay equity review and my position was picked and lo and behold I was underpaid. I received my back pay last week - it was a lovely amount. The government took a huge chunk but this is found money and I don't have a problem with that. It's been fun spending the rest....I did put money aside before the spending started and the only thing I owe now is the car loan. I've paid everything off including an old (big) loan that was still outstanding to my boss from a previous business venture so I can now leave with a clear conscious.
The universe really surprised me with this windfall. I'm able to close parts of my old life and move into the next with an incredible openness that is quite exhilarating. Now the test is to take good care of myself during the exciting parts of life and not just the harder parts.
It's 4 in the morning and I have a head alarm will be going off in half and hour - maybe I should go up and turn it off....


  1. Hope you did turn the alarm off :D
    See - you do good, you take care of you and yours and eventually the universe does look after you.
    Good on you for taking care of business first but then you have to reward yourself a bit too. Not with crappy food (no matter how good it tastes) but with something else. For me shoes or purses work, or something from Sephora or a bookstore...

    Something that is just for you and makes you smile and feel good.

  2. Hey Auntie Linda, wow! that is awesome! I am so happy for you! You & Lynne truly deserve to have some good fortune for a change! xox Erin
