Saturday, August 28, 2010

I Have Fat Lady Knees

Yes full length mirrors are not always my friends... a few weeks ago I wore shorts to work (my office was hitting 100 degrees during parts of the day). One of the doors that I walk by has a full length mirror and this one time it was half open and I got a full view of myself and what did my little wandering eyes see but 'fat lady' knees. You all know what I am talking about. I've been trying to be kind to myself when I look into a mirror but this stopped me in my tracks .... oh boy. The rest of the day passed in a haze of 'fat knees, I've got fat knees' running in my head like some kind of warped mantra. I tried tucking the visual in some dark corner of my brain so as not to bother me but then I thought that it might be better to keep it front and centre to use as inspiration. I must accept my fat knees so that I will work on finding the thin person that I have inside me.
Growing up I was skinny. I wasn't interested in food - except for desert and even then my appetite was easily satisfied...I was never hungry for breakfast, lunch just stopped the noise in my belly, I liked the after school snack, dinner was boring, and bedtime snack of bread and butter with milk was yummy. I was somewhat active, my brain was always busy and I don't remember ever thinking about food until it was in front of me. How to get back to that mindset.... hmmmm.
Well it's Saturday morning and time to put on my shorts and go for my walk before the sun gets too hot then I can nap without feeling guilty. Both, I know, are good for my knees :)

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