Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Haunting Melodies

Have you ever been haunted by music? Not in a happy way? I am .... by three of the silliest tunes - Rudolph the red nosed reindeer, I saw three ships, and for she's a jolly good fellow? Give me a break from these songs, please. They pop into my head daily with no reason for being there. I have absolutely no idea why and I'm not sure that I want to know. I'll be taking a shower and find myself midway though "Rudolph". Clean a toilet to the tune of "she's a jolly good fellow"! Make supper while humming "I saw three ships"......help!!! Worse part of all of this is that I don't know how long I've been humming along before I catch myself. The beginnings of insanity? Maybe - I used to say that when I grow up I want to be a bag lady ..... scary n'est pas?
I always have had music running through my head. Normally just background instrumental stuff - melodies with no lyrics. I know when I've been thinking about my mother because I'll start humming something from Carmen - her favourite opera -happy feelings surround me when that starts. No music for Dad - just comfy warm feelings. Maybe I should put a digital piano on my vision board - that might help release some of what's playing in my head.
What to do about my haunting? Really at a loss but I get a feeling that there is a message that my subconscious is sending me. I did find out that Rudolph is the all time favourite song of Ophelia - my new boss's daughter. I am for the most part a jolly good person. Those three ships .... could they be symbolizing my journey? I have divided my quest into three parts - health, wealth and spiritually .... hmmmm. Something to ponder.

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