Tuesday, February 15, 2011

8 Months To Go

Last 4 weeks update - things are changing for me ever so slowly but the momentum is forward. I have managed to do 30 minutes of treadmill work 6 days a week for the past 4 weeks and I am starting to feel better. I just finished a "21 days of meditation" challenge and enjoyed it and will continue to explore it's benefits....I'll let you know how it goes next month. I'm much more determined to change my eating patterns. I have removed gluten from my diet for most days - when I do have wheat I notice the difference - I'm mucousy and lethargic. I've switched to goat milk products when I need a dairy fix and it's not as hard on my digestive system as cow's milk .... I'll still have the odd pat of butter(margarine just isn't the same). Next will be sugar - I registered high in candida on my food sensitivity test and when I did the home spit test it confirmed that this is something that I had better deal with. It also explains the constant cravings that I have for sweet things and a ravenous appetite. I will be working with my naturopath on a 60 day cleanse - sugar is my monster and my weight issues will no longer be a problem if I return my digestive system to a healthy balance.
Later this week I'm at my family doctor for my physical and will be sent for all the tests that need to be done - blood work, mammogram, colonoscopy and whatever else she can come up with. I'll be able to check off another box in life's things to do to take care of yourself list.
I've started work on my vision board - I'm using the closet doors that I look at when I'm sitting at my desk - hey... it works. They are the sliding doors kind and one door has the vision board and the other door has my "intentions" - to be healthy; to attract money with little effort; to fill each day with joy and a sense of accomplishment; and to start doing the impossible. It will be interesting to see what comes out of this over the next 8 months.
I've been working part time only and I will have to get more work soon but I feel that I need to take a little longer. January was for resting and deep healing. February seems to be more of the same but "changes" - they are a happenin' and in a profound manner....transformation has begun!

1 comment:

  1. Can you tell us more about the vision board? I think it might help with some 'visioning' I need to do in order to discern which path I should be taking professionally.
    Hope February was a good mix of rest/healing and change, and March too as it draws to a close.

    sending hugs and positive energies
