Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Less than 11 months to go

It's been a month since my last posting and I missed my regular date to update my progress. I can't say that it's because all these interesting things have been happening. It's more the case of lack of focus - letting things slide - maybe even a slight case of apathy. In other words - I've lost my focus. Why? I don't really know. I've had to go back to the beginning of this challenge and go over my notes as to what it is that I truly want. Some how, some way I've let things get out of hand. For example ... a few weeks ago there was this house in the local real estate section. Absolutely stunning - a Queen Anne built in the 1890's - updated and move in ready - 5 bedrooms - under $600,000 - well worth the money. Why not try the using the law of attraction to get that for me and Lynne? I just read "the Power" - sequel to the Secret. I'm pumped - why not me? .....

I can answer that today - because it's not what I truly want. I saw the house that I would like a few years ago when I started checking the local market - it shares a lot of similar features to the Queen Anne but in smaller scale - and it has an in ground pool :) - for half the price (still out of our price range for now). Lynne and I would be happy in the smaller house while I'm not too sure about the Queen Anne. What do I truly want? -to not work for anyone, to have money flowing into my bank account with little effort on my part, to have a home that Lynne and I can make ours and use as a healing space/sanctuary, to be healthy in mind, body and spirit.

I just read what I wrote ... I already have most of what I want. Time to get back to being grateful for what I have because my true wants are being covered .... I just have to keep doing what I'm doing and I know that everything will go from good to great without much effort. The power of gratitude, optimism and love will get me everything that I truly want ... just keep focused on what's important - surround myself with people who love and respect me; keep saying the only prayer that I know "thank you"; keep a positive attitude; and focus on my true wants and needs.

I stopped stepping on the weigh scale because the focus was on whether I gained or lost that week instead of how healthy I was treating myself. It's time to stop looking at the real estate pages and other flyer's that show me what I don't have but should get so that 'my life would be soo much better if I had them'....I've dabbled with vision boards - maybe I should focus on creating one that I can see every day. Will let you know how that goes...


  1. From reading this I think you might be better focused than you know - but need to trust yourself. You really do know what you want and need, but maybe as its not the same as the messages you get externally...you doubt what you know internally? Or I'm just spouting pop psychology :D

  2. So did you do the vision board? How did it come out?
    I'm reading this again and thinking - especially this time of year I think - we put so much pressure on ourselves - if we only do everything and have everything perfect, life will be wonderful. But more stuff (bigger house, nicer clothes etc.) isn't the answer. In the end what matters is some security and more than anything, people who love you and care about you - and you them. And that you make time to be with them. All we went through with Andrew has confirmed that for me.
