Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Visit to the Naturopath

I went to the naturopath yesterday. I never sleep well after a visit with her so here I am at 3:45 am trying to empty my brain before the day starts to speed up. I'm going to be doing some more cleansing .... I'm drinking my morning 'Master Cleanse', it's surprisingly tasty. Water, lime juice(or lemon), maple syrup and cayenne. But that's not what is keeping me from sleep.

Anyone familiar with the practise of homeopathy? I wasn't and I'm not sure I should attempt a description of it but it involves giving the patient an essence in the belief that two of the same things cannot exist in one body. Anyway it's too early to do the description justice. Sometimes a leap in faith has more healing power than the strongest of medicines. She read a description from her text which described a part of me that was so eerily accurate it borders on disturbing - hence the not sleeping. The best way that I can describe this part of me is to call it a cloud - a dark one - that follows me around where ever I go. I never realized how often I let it create shadows in my life. Most days it doesn't bother me. Hopefully it's time to dissipate has come.

I could go back to sleep now but the alarm will go off in 15 mins. Figures.

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