Friday, May 21, 2010

Great Expectations

What a week. Nothing outstanding, good or bad, just quiet moments with small tedious interruptions. There is absolutely no one thing/issue that stands out this week but driving home today I realized that I did learn something about myself. It has to do with being disappointed ... with people not meeting my expectations. To itemize all the little disappointments of the week is not worth the time or the effort, just acknowledging their existence is enough. Intellectually I know that unvoiced expectations are always going to bring disappointment but how do you stop? That was my question in the car driving home today. Nothing was earth shattering. They were small let downs. Insignificant even... but by mid week they sure were adding up. The worst of it was that I was creating more expectations and directing them at myself. I never realized how hard I can be on myself. All those people throughout the week that didn't meet my unvoiced expectations were forgiven once I realized that they had no idea what they had done it because it was all in my head. I don't know if I've ever forgiven myself for not meeting my expectations - I think I have some mighty powerful expectations directed at myself - maybe it's time to try some meditation. Ooooh I know, the universe sent me Debbie Ford's 21 day consciousness cleanse via Oprah's daily email. I have to act when things like this come at me. I'll give it a shot. Today's 90 minute car ride just spun my head. Like I said .... a week of small tedious interruptions.

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