Friday, April 16, 2010

Health...what I know to do

Everybody reading this , including me knows what they should do for better health. I just don't know why it's so hard to do what you know is right....

  1. Eat food that's nutritionally good for you, or as my naturopath keeps telling me, food is medicine

  2. Exercise...I just wrote that word and I giggled....why is it so hard to do? I have 2 dogs I should at least walk one of them.

  3. Good sleep/ rest. I'm much better at sleeping than I used to be, I'll even take naps now if I'm home. Resting or relaxing now that something different. I can keep my body fairly quiet but my mind she is just a racing most of the time....meditation? maybe.

Sounds so simple yet it is so hard to do on a daily basis. Do I "just make up my mind" and do it? That's how I quit smoking and I know it works. Or do I turn the process into steps and start with one and add more as time goes on? My brain is so I'm writing this so many excuses and reasons for failing are just tumbling all over the place for both methods.

I need to institute big changes if I'm going to succeed and the step approach should give me momentum through the hard changes. My brain likes this approach knows that there is a chance of losing focus and stopping all together. Ha! NOT THIS TIME BRAIN....the world is watching and I want to smile at myself every time I look in the mirror.

1 comment:

  1. If it's any consolation - I do the same thing. I too should lose weight but man oh man I love my chow. And I should exercise more - but most of the time I think "this is soooo boring...soooo boring...anything good on TV?" And really - who wants to go outside during a Canadian Prairie Winter?? It is made for hibernation.

    I think step-by-step is the way to go though. Got a new bike for my upcoming 45th birthday - nice cruiser with the comfy seat and a basket for the necessities. Been out a few times - it does feel so good to get out even if for just 20 minutes. So that is step one. Trying to celebrate that and work on step 2 - veggie garden and going to the local farmer's market. Step 3 - wean myself off the tooo much coffee. Eventually.
