Wednesday, April 28, 2010

What Next?

What do I do first? The brain is bubbling over with all manner of changes to implement but I know that too many at once will bring about failure. Let's see, first my lovely partner bought me a neat little notebook with the intention of me taking it to work. I've left it at the side of my bed and each night before I turn the light off I'm listing all the things that I am grateful for the day. It's nice going to sleep thinking good thoughts. Oprah and lots of others recommend a gratitude journal so this is an easy one to try.

I started seeing a naturopath last fall. I really enjoy my visits with her. I went back and looked at the initial instructions that she had given me. Mainly to do with diet. There is a list of things to avoid and a list of what I should be eating. It's funny but I have been focusing on what not to eat: sugar, coffee, tea, alcohol, pop, animal products(meat, cheese, eggs, milk), all refined flours & breads, foods with chemicals. I read this and think what's left????? Some of these I have been able to avoid, some others I don't know if I will ever manage a week of not eating. This week I'm trying to focus on the list of foods to eat: all fish, vegetables, whole grains, legumes, beans, nuts & seeds, almond milk, oils (olive, avocado, grapeseed), herbal tea and of course water. So far I've done not bad but meat is going to be the hardest to fully give up. It should get easier as the farmer's markets start having fresh produce. I love farmer's markets!

I'm drinking herbal tea in the morning, breakfast of oatmeal with raisins and a touch of maple syrup, water the rest of the day with the exception of a small glass of juice when I get home ( this stops me from grazing before supper is ready). Next week I'll get snacks and lunches all organized.

Did my taxes and have to pay so any changes to my financial health will start next month. I do think that I will start with what's known as the 10 percent rule - take 10% off any monies coming in and place into a savings account. Can't hurt.


  1. Wow - I'm impressed with your conviction. I too need to lose weight and have struggled to eat more fruit and veggies with some success. But no dairy? No meat? I do the vegetarian meal once a week (helps son's veggie girlfriend has been living with us) and that has gone well. Also using the 'locavore' and organic stores nearby to eat ethically raised meats. Helps with the spiritual health too I think :) Is there a medical reason for no animal/animal products at all?
    Sending you supportive vibes.

  2. Hi Linda
    Came across this recipe while looking for gluten-free baking for a friend of mine here. Thought you might enjoy it too as it seems to fit the parameters of your dietary restrictions. But - they are touted to be really good, moist, chocolate-chip cookies! Could be just the thing to salve the soul on those tough days:) Here it is (including possible substitutions)

    Gluten-free Oatmeal Chocolate Chip Cookies

    3 tbsp organic coconut oil (or butter)
    3-4 tbsp liquid honey
    1 organic egg*
    1/3c almond milk or water
    1 tsp vanilla
    1/4c brown rice flour
    1/2 tsp gluten-free baking powder
    1/2c ground almond meal/flour
    3/4c rolled oats (gluten-free e.g., Bob's Red Mill brand; or quinoa flakes)
    1/2c organic chocolate chips (apparently some brands are not dairy free so need to look at the labels)

    Mix coconut oil and honey together. Add egg, vanilla, almond milk, then add remaining ingredients and mix well. Spoon onto cookie sheet and bake at 375F for 10-12 minutes. Makes 18 small cookies.

    *apparently there is a way to substitute for the egg if this is an issue, but I neglected to write this down. :(
