Sunday, April 3, 2011

Vision Boards

I had mentioned in an earlier posting that I was going to work on a vision board. I have done many variations over the years. I've had a hard time setting this one up. Oh, you could go to or my favourite - - and sign up and create nifty vision boards. I have a marvelous one at I've taken what I did there and created a small one for my daytimer....all to what seems like little effect ... which is why I think that I am having a hard time setting up a new one in my office.
I did something like a vision board over a decade ago and found it a few years ago. was amazing what had actually come to be. What I had done was to take a cheap picture album and as I went though magazines, catalogs, newspapers, etc., I would cut out the pictures and articles that really appealed to me and put them in the album. I must have worked on it for a month, maybe a little longer, I can't quite remember. My life got interesting right around then and the album got filed away. That worked! Years later when I found it again, lo and behold, a lot of the items I had acquired versions of what I had picked. I didn't have the motorcycle though ... it still is lovely to look at and who knows what will happen in the future.
It's so easy to focus on things - a white volvo s60 with a sun roof would be fabulous - but I know that to create the 'things' you need to know what you really 'want' (not necessarily things). I guess that I need to go back and clear up my wants - the deep down ones - make my vision board accordingly, tuck it away and see what happens.
I think that what I am trying to say is to work on finding what it is that you truly want, write it down or use pictures, articles, whatever way you can express you wants and desires .... then let them go (hide/put them away assuming that they will come to be). Hunh! Let me know what happens.

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