Sunday, July 22, 2012

New Challenges

Okay, I've been adjusting to the fact that I turned 50 years old.  There has definitely been a feeling of lost time, things that I haven't done and probably wont.  That ends today.  Time for some fun and a chance to accomplish some things that have been lurking at the back of my mind.

So what are the challenges?  Well, let's start with my health: my colitis has been preoccupying my attention and it's time to put it on a back burner and focus on overall health.  My goals are to eat healthier by removing as much packaged/premade foods as I eat as clean as possible, to find different ways to bring physical movement back to my life, and to remove unwanted stress or at least find coping mechanisms that reduce stress' effects on my body... meditation, tai chi.   Once I can get these in place the end result should be to get my weight to 140 pounds(from 200) and to be energized and full of life.

Financially I've been in a rut.  There are times when I can see a slight change but then I fall back into old patterns going back to living a life of lack.  When I think back to my late teens, when everyone was asking me what I was going to do, my answer was that I planned on being a millionaire but the time I was thirty.  Well, they laughed at that .... only one person actually thought I could do it but unfortunately she was not the one I listened to.   Time to change that.  I'm well past thirty but what the heck, it would be fun to be a millionaire n'est pas?

Spiritually?  I think its time to tap into my creative self.  Write more maybe even a book.  Have fun with my appearance...steampunk maybe.   Live more of a comic book life - vibrant colours, surround myself with unique items, explore what makes me smile, find out what it is that I really want.

I'm not setting a time limit on this challenge.   I will over the next few weeks detail some of the steps that I plan on following to get me started.  Life changing .... that is my end goal, my start goal, my new lifelong plan.